Learn a holiday Choreo
Choreo practice next Saturday. Upcoming holiday performances

Rittenhop today, then enjoy your thanksgiving holiday. We've got a big week after that!
Upcoming Events
Choreography Practice: Sat. Nov. 30. Ethical Society 2-5 pm. 3 hour practice, solo and partnered sections. Please join Discord or Facebook for more info.
LOVE Park Performance: Fri. Dec. 6. LOVE Park 7pm. Choreography and Live Jazz (Rittenhop Regulars) performances.
Tree Lighting Performance: Mon. Dec. 9. Rittenhouse Sq. (fountain) 6:15pm. Choreography and Live Jazz (Rittenhop Regulars) performances.
???: Sun. Dec. 22. at location??? 8pm. Choreography and Live Jazz (Rittenhop Regulars) performances.
Rittenhop Today
The usual! Start gearing up for crispy air! See you at 1pm by the goat.
Photos by Braden, captured 2024-11-19